Kamis, 18 Februari 2010


Today i insisted to attend an IT workshop held by EX n BinaBud - my friend's foundation. The speaker were Danny Wiriawan (CMO of kaskus), mba Afi n Hani from Fashionese Daily, mas Hendra (think.web) and little workshop from iBox. The only thing that made me wanna come was i had an online shop before-and sometimes wonder if i can have it once again hohoho...I dunno bout the prospect of it, it just a little glimpse of my little dream...

Ouch i realized that their life is amazing! They do their job according to their passion!!
I am on my way to seek out my passion...i was happy being a designer...but now??I think am changed...i like fashion, i like lifestyle industry!! -surrounded with kinda glamour area and beautiful people who live their life to the fullest and do their job with spirit and full of passion..

Owch owch owch...God give me a job related to my passion pliiiss...so i can love my job, i can wake up every morning with passion,new spirit,and heart full of thankfulness that i got that job
I wanna have this statement:
"I love what i do and i do what i love"

^^not yet desperately job seeker^^

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