Sabtu, 20 November 2010

My Future Career??

Ha! Setelah satu level dalam hidupku kelar - finally announced as Amelia Eka Lestari, MM - now i have to continue my journey...

Saatnya mencari kerjaaa!!! so blessed to know that am now being processed with some company. What? Some?? Yeess...but it made me so confused at the same time :D
Last week waktu iWorship di gereja aku sangaaatt amat dikuatkan by Ps. Alvi pas nutup kebaktian bahwa 'Pekerjaan akan datang tepat pada waktunya!'
Nah...Is it the right time for me??? Is it the right job n right company? OR should i wait any longer??

Ini sebenarnya chit chat ga jelas sih...
Gue udah diterima di salah satu fashion company besar...hanyaaaa rada2 ngeri dengan job desknya? Soalnya operasional bangeeeeettt...Gue lebih milih n lebih ahli di marketing n branding hehehehe :D

At the other time...Ada opportunity kerja lumayan menarik sih..
Cuma gambling ajah...masih 2 minggu lagi n mungkin masih ada proses selanjutnya? parents asked me to prefer this job...more challenging and the company's reputation is more famous than the other one

Yeah yeah yeah....
But i have to decide a.s.a.p
Hope i'll make my best decision for my future career!

*knock knock on the heaven's door: need U God*

Rabu, 03 November 2010


YEaaayyyyy!!!!Magister Management DONE!!

Finally...setelah semua yg terjadi...aku LULUS!horeeee!!!
Fiuh...selesai sudah penderitaan selama setahun ini..penderitaan harus buat BP plus tekanan batin yg ada di baliknya huaaahhh!!

Honestly, the pressure in the presentation was deeper than the individual assessment. I dunno why...but their eyes seemed to eat us!
Oyeah...for d, Dimas, n Didot passed it but Fajar didnt make it. I feel sorry for him but at d same time..he himself who let it happen to him!! Everyone must responsible with their own life right?? Yeah hope u learn a lot from it!!

Now its time to make revision. I feel bored with it...huah! Dont have any passion to do it but i have to! Can i skip this pleaseeee?????
--Always finish what i start--