So this is a story about my little Fluffy =)
Fluffy came to my apartment around April 2006...he's about 6-7 months y/o. I've got him from my best-friend-at-that-time, a nice family who have about 10 dogs as their fam's members. Pas dateng sih jeleeeeekkk banget...dekil mampus n amat sangat pendiam. I was worried kalo2 dia stres ada di tempat baru n terpisah dari keluarga besarnya.
My new life begins....
I had an exciting moment bought his stuff. Dogfood, water dispenser, dog shampoo, powder, and some dog cloths - even i bought 2 pairs of shoes for him ahahahaha ^^
Suddenly i felt worried if i left him all day long. I just felt like a have a baby!!! I wanna go home early, just to check that he's okay n wanna play with him as much as i can. Walopun cuma di apartmen sempit tapi coba diajakin lari lari terus, kejar2an, maen mulu kerjaannya...Sampai suatu saat baru sadar kalo ternyata aku kelepasan! Sekarang dia jd hiperaktif banget banget banget????
Lucuuuuu kaaaannn??? Everybody who loves dog always said that he's adorable...He can show a lot of tricks. He can sit, up, shake hand, and the best one is he knows our right hand! If we want to give him snacks or something, use our right hand. He knows that he's not allowed to receive something with our left hand =) It seems very easy to teach him how to do something. He's very smart!! Sometimes i feel that he knows me very well. When i sad and cried, he came to me just to look if am okay and sit near me....
Oyaaah, he's very expressive too. I can easily know his feeling whether he's happy, sad, upset, or even just try to ask me why i called him or why i mad with him! He knows if he made a mistake. When i realize that he's being naughty, i just look at him and he knows that am mad with him. His face says that he feel so sorry bout whatever he's doing hahahahha...
He always brighten my days...When i back home, i can see him run to me and try to make me wanna play with him...He made me feel that am loved by him. He always there beside me without any reasons...
That's why i love him soooo much!!!
grrrrrrrr grrrrrrr tar g lepasin fluffy khusus buat lo