Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Life is a Choice

Thinking bout my future....

Suddenly realized that do i have a dream for my future???
i am now in the middle of an intersection...i have to decide where should i worked for? am i enter the fashion industry as i used to be OR move out from my comfort zone and reach for something i never imagine before??

Fashion vs Consumer Goods
Which one better for me??

I do love fashion...with anything related into it...but is that really my passion? i think it was...but i found it not as much as other people who really wanna dying to get it
I do love art...i cant doubt it...i love to see someone's results...with lots of colors in it...but i even cant create something good --> yeah maybe it parts of my lack of confidence...i can create something if i really wanna do that!
i do love brand management...this is what i found in my master degree program...i like the materials and like the lecturer too...maybe that's made me love to learn more bout branding hehehehe

It almost 2011 anyway....i have to think moreeee bout my future...
After decide where will i go, lets talk bout my price charming someday :D
*i wish*

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

My Future Career??

Ha! Setelah satu level dalam hidupku kelar - finally announced as Amelia Eka Lestari, MM - now i have to continue my journey...

Saatnya mencari kerjaaa!!!

Nah...am so blessed to know that am now being processed with some company. What? Some?? Yeess...but it made me so confused at the same time :D
Last week waktu iWorship di gereja aku sangaaatt amat dikuatkan by Ps. Alvi pas nutup kebaktian bahwa 'Pekerjaan akan datang tepat pada waktunya!'
Nah...Is it the right time for me??? Is it the right job n right company? OR should i wait any longer??

Ini sebenarnya chit chat ga jelas sih...
Gue udah diterima di salah satu fashion company besar...hanyaaaa rada2 ngeri dengan job desknya? Soalnya operasional bangeeeeettt...Gue lebih milih n lebih ahli di marketing n branding hehehehe :D

At the other time...Ada opportunity kerja lumayan menarik sih..
Cuma gambling ajah...masih 2 minggu lagi n mungkin masih ada proses selanjutnya? Hanya...my parents asked me to prefer this job...more challenging and the company's reputation is more famous than the other one

Yeah yeah yeah....
But i have to decide a.s.a.p
Hope i'll make my best decision for my future career!

*knock knock on the heaven's door: need U God*

Rabu, 03 November 2010


YEaaayyyyy!!!!Magister Management DONE!!

Finally...setelah semua yg terjadi...aku LULUS!horeeee!!!
Fiuh...selesai sudah penderitaan selama setahun ini..penderitaan harus buat BP plus tekanan batin yg ada di baliknya huaaahhh!!

Honestly, the pressure in the presentation was deeper than the individual assessment. I dunno why...but their eyes seemed to eat us!
Oyeah...for d result...me, Dimas, n Didot passed it but Fajar didnt make it. I feel sorry for him but at d same time..he himself who let it happen to him!! Everyone must responsible with their own life right?? Yeah hope u learn a lot from it!!

Now its time to make revision. I feel bored with it...huah! Dont have any passion to do it but i have to! Can i skip this pleaseeee?????
--Always finish what i start--

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

now i know

Finally i submit BP's draft. That's the end of my 3 hours sleep for past 2 weeks yeaayyy!!!
Now just prepare for the BIG day!

btw...i find something today
All my friends know what made me postpone my BP. It's all because of HIM (-___-)
HIM---> that unresponsible boy (i can't say he's a man anyway....) who made everything chaos :(
But at that period of time...i found that he's not only did his job, but his tons-of-activities too...yup that bunch of activities stole lots of his time.................

Sometimes i feel bad to say 'bad' things about him...but many times i wanna slap him in his face!!!

Yeaaah...i find it today...not only he still did his futsal time or everything related to it...but also....he n his band was entered the LA indiefest competition???whaaattttt???
Of course...there's nothing wrong with that! But pleaseee...u have ur responsibility to finish BP dude...but lots of ur time were used for another reason...no wonder u cant finish it...and u'll never mean it!

Yeah but everything happens for a reason...i just take that situation to make me stronger...to make me push my limit...and i prove that i can do it!

like i said in my twitter n fb :

i dont care if u wanna chase ur dream dude.but i wish u'll responsible in everything u do or u'll end up nothing!!anyway u look cool in it

yeah u look cool in chase ur passion...but yeaaahhh...u'll lose my respect anyway......

Minggu, 19 September 2010

Lets Gowes!!!

Yuhuuuu....update dulu dunks ah...

Hepi Bday to me hahaha...omaigosh!!am 27th now...kinda a mature woman now??i wish hahahahaha :p

Hepiii abis karena di bulan ini aku bisa punya sepeda. Yeesss...sepeda!!
Rada aneh sih emang dengan kondisi idup di Jakarta, smuanya semrawut, n berharap punya sepeda??Hmm...actually its not that weird...lagi musim sih emang...n lumayan shock karena harga sepeda ternyata muahalll!!!
Cek ricek sana sini, pingin yg ini yg itu, pingin yg desainnya bagus cuma harus muat di mobil karena ga mau gowes sendirian ky orang bego di jalan. Finnaly, pilihan jatuh ke sepeda lipat merk FOLDX yang katanya sih mirip2 Dahon. Versi murahnya Dahon (secara mahal aje) yg katanya mantan engineernya Dahon quit n buat merek FOLDX ini. ASik siiihhh...udah lumayan memenuhi kriteriaku ---> yg penting desainnya bagus dulu!, baru dipakenya enak ga, blablabla...

Today is the first time i ride my bike around Sudirman area!
Yeapp bawa mobil ke Senayan, parkir disana, bongkar pasang sepedanya, mulai gowes dr depan Fx, Sudirman kearah Bunderan HI, lanjuuutt ke Thamrin sampai Monas. Ihiiiyyy...cuapeknya mampus! Secara kita bertiga ama Dimas n mas Chico. Mas Chico pake seli juga tapi Dahon n Dimas pake sepeda bokapnya yg baru beli 20jeti!! Sepedanya enteeeeennggg abiiiisss...no wonder dia ga ada capek2nya huh! Ada harga ada rupa lah yaaaa..tu sepeda ga ada beratnya sama sekali, enteng mampus huuuu...iriiii hahahha...
Abis muterin Monas (poto dulu dunks yah! ) balik lagi ke bunderan HI poto lagi ahahahhaha :p lanjut balik ke Fx lagi n sepedaan hari ini berakhir disitu :)

Oyaaaa, sensasi gowes Minggu pagi ini asik abiiiss...secara tu jalan udah jadi lautan sepeda!! Am very amazed with that situation...udah kaya mau demo ajah, buanyaaaakk bangeeet orangnya tp pada pk sepeda gitu! Hmm hmmm ada yg ganteng2 juga hahaha...keliatannya bakal ketagihan sepedaan minggu pagi nih *wink*

Satu lagi, paling demen banget tuh ma sepeda fixie...kenapa? Karena sepedanya kereeeeennn2 abiisss...bannya kecil n warna warni gitu. Bisa dimodif macem2 juga. Niatnya sih ga pake rem. Tapi kayanya bahaya yah klo blm biasa. Tadi ngeliat banyak sih yg pake rem cuek ajah. Tergiur banget banget ma fixie yg rodanya PINK!!! Omaigoooddd lucuuu bangeeeettt!!!
Hmmm...masih terngiang2 fixie pink yg tadi ngeliat di sudirman. Hmmm...jadi berpikir pingin punya fixie??ahahahahha...masa jebol bank? Masalahnya bisa abis minimal 4 juta tuh klo buat fixie...belom modif2nya, belum aksesorisnya zzzzzz....tapi mengingat diriku yg mood2an takut klo nantinya ga kepake lg sayang klo punya 2 biji. Tapi kan mengingat jg klo diriku udah ada maunya mesti cari cara buat dapetin....hmmm...hahhahahaa we'll see yah!! *plinplan :p*

Yukkss...olahraga sehat sepedaan ma bakar kalori...niatnya emg buat kurus sih tapi ini kok jadi item gara2 ga pake perlindungan apa2? Masalahnya kan kulitku yg sensitip n ga mau diajak kompromi ini :( Besok2 apa pake tan oil skalian yah biar coklat tan seksoi semlohai??hahahahhaha ^___^

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010


Ini bener2 curcol tingkat tinggi....

i feel soooooo under pressureeeeeeeeee hiiikkkkkssssssss T____T

pertama....ini business plan kapan kelarnyaaaa??
seharusnya hari ini 12 Agustus 2010 harus seminar 2 karena tgl 20 Bu Indri as pembimbing HR udah mau hijrah ke Manchester City. Tapiiiiiiiii....ini sampai sekarang papernya belum pada beres hiksssss......marketing g mesti 1x revisi lg. operation juga belum beres. apalagi financenya blm sekalipun bimbingan hueeeeee...smoga bimbingan finance sore ini lgs final..amin!

kedua....masih pertanyaan yg sama...business plan kapan kelarnyaaa???at least seminar 2 kapan nih jadinyaaa??klo udah seminar 2 udah rada tenangan krn smua paper udah beres tinggal revisi2 n siap buat kompre. i wish....cepet kompre cepet lulus udah ga tahan menderita BP niiihhhhh :(

ketiga...soal kerjaan gimana nih?udah ditinggal beberapa hari ini gimana???smakin lama smakin ga semangat hiks...bebannya semakin berat aje..kan rencana ijin smp hari ini doang tp kan batal seminar hari ini berarti msti perpanjang ijinnya??trs bulan depan makan apa klo ga ada gaji???hueeeeeeeeeeeee......

yah cuma bisa berharap smuanya cepat selesai....i can never push my team...everyone has to responsible for himself...but please guysss.....i need u to complete it together

-selalu selesaikan apa yg sudah kamu mulai, jgn berhenti di tengah jalan, never say am quit!-

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Abis nonton film BOLA gt ceritanyaaa...ga sengaja nonton jg sih
It reminds me how to fight and how to do d extra mile.........

Jadi ingat masa2 masih maen basket...Its been 5 years i left it totally...but i did it for 10 years!!!
I love basketball very much at that time...Ga boleh pulang telat dr latian, jam 7 teng mesti sampai rumah, jam 7 kurang 5 udah langsung panik buru2 pulang ngebuuuttt naek sepeda hehehe...its fun!!!
Dari basket juga membuatku bisa kenal banyak orang dan learn how to work as a team. Susah senang ditanggung bersama, menang kalah juga milik bersama :)
Sebenarnya sejarah perbasketanku ga selalu menang siiihh, malah banyak kalahnya karena kurang skill n capability, tapi kita semua senaaaanggg......
Tiap latian selalu hepi2, gosip2, ngrumpi2, ketawa2 terus abis latian seruuu bangeeettt
Apalagi kalau pertandingan! I always love competition!!
Dimana kita bener2 berjuang, walopun level dibawah musuh pun tetep berjuang aja dulu, urusan kalah belakangan?hehehe...
Maen bareng tim Kudus, tim Tomang Sakti, tim Untar, lanjut tim Colony, plus sempet ikutan latian tim Mahaputri (yg bikin mau mampus) made me feel alive!!!
I love shooting! Satu2nya skill yg aku ahli ahahahhaha...Tiap kali berusaha improve supaya probability masuknya tambah gede...tapi urusan cepet n lari2 wadooohh rd diluar harapan sepertinya wkwkkwkw :p

Kangen abis dengan masa2 itu...Pingin balik ke masa2 dimana hari2 dilewatin dgn maen basket. Kalo dibandingin sekarang sih....udah ga pernah maen lagi. Pengen sekali2 maen tapi ngos2an takut pingsan euy :p
Mungkin i'll try it again...but from d beginning...anggap masih cupu lah ^___^

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Design Design Design..............
Its part of my life!!But i lost it recently :(
dunno why?but i felt that i miss my creativity....i have to find it again n blend it to my soul :)

Back to my previous study, i leaved interior design things for so long time...but 3 days ago i met an architect who proposed to make my counter. When i talked to him i felt that i miss that things...We talked a lot bout interior design.
Now i have to redesign my apartment.Start to think bout new colour for my room.But i havent found it yet

I just cant wait to live there again. Lots of memories there...but i have to remove the bad ones :)

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Hueeeeeee....seems that my diet was totally failed :(
Ditambah lagi seminggu ini ada event Banker's Day yg otomatis seminggu ful mesti di mall...and it means makan makanan mall...Kenny Rogers, Fish&Co, Sushi Tei, Red Mango...fat fat fat hiiikkkssss...
Chit chat ga jelas di tengah malam nih...Wondering how my life would be...
Am missing something...but dunno what is that??Sometimes want my old life back. Tapi ga boleh!!Harus terus liat kedepan...i have to create my own future...God pliz show me Ur way...

Hmm...feel like i have to rearrange my life...
My purpose, my life, my work, my diet, my BP!!Oh how i want to pass my business plan as soon as possible!!!
Maybe i need to make a list about my priority in life...always hope for d best...and always have to think that "nothing is impossible"


Minggu, 18 April 2010

Wow...i havent write for 1,5 months...Seems kinda busy person?LOL
But actually i enjoyed this month.I got the JOB! That made me veeerrryyy busy now...sometimes am very excited with the job but at the same time i felt it was quite hard enough...yeah but its a routines...u know am not used of routines. I like surprises but i found it in different way haha...

Just come back to my statement...
"Do what you love and love what you do"

Everytime i felt bored and confused with what am doing now...just looked back to that statement and think bout my future...and i'll be strong again!
Chayooooo =)

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Story 'bout Fluffy

Karena temans pada bilang mana Fluffynyaaa??? Secara judulnya aja "fluffy and me" hehehhehe...

So this is a story about my little Fluffy =)

Fluffy came to my apartment around April 2006...he's about 6-7 months y/o. I've got him from my best-friend-at-that-time, a nice family who have about 10 dogs as their fam's members. Pas dateng sih jeleeeeekkk banget...dekil mampus n amat sangat pendiam. I was worried kalo2 dia stres ada di tempat baru n terpisah dari keluarga besarnya.

My new life begins....
I had an exciting moment bought his stuff. Dogfood, water dispenser, dog shampoo, powder, and some dog cloths - even i bought 2 pairs of shoes for him ahahahaha ^^
Suddenly i felt worried if i left him all day long. I just felt like a have a baby!!! I wanna go home early, just to check that he's okay n wanna play with him as much as i can. Walopun cuma di apartmen sempit tapi coba diajakin lari lari terus, kejar2an, maen mulu kerjaannya...Sampai suatu saat baru sadar kalo ternyata aku kelepasan! Sekarang dia jd hiperaktif banget banget banget????

Lucuuuuu kaaaannn??? Everybody who loves dog always said that he's adorable...He can show a lot of tricks. He can sit, up, shake hand, and the best one is he knows our right hand! If we want to give him snacks or something, use our right hand. He knows that he's not allowed to receive something with our left hand =) It seems very easy to teach him how to do something. He's very smart!! Sometimes i feel that he knows me very well. When i sad and cried, he came to me just to look if am okay and sit near me....
Oyaaah, he's very expressive too. I can easily know his feeling whether he's happy, sad, upset, or even just try to ask me why i called him or why i mad with him! He knows if he made a mistake. When i realize that he's being naughty, i just look at him and he knows that am mad with him. His face says that he feel so sorry bout whatever he's doing hahahahha...

He always brighten my days...When i back home, i can see him run to me and try to make me wanna play with him...He made me feel that am loved by him. He always there beside me without any reasons...
That's why i love him soooo much!!!

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010


3 days ago i got a call from company i rejected before...they offered me the same job and allowed me to work at end March.Sound interesting...But d only thing i have to think twice about that job is because i dont like the products.It is a factory product.There's nothing else with the product but my background was from design n art industry!!It just seems wrong to me that i'll have a job far far away from my capability.Am afraid i'll make wrong decision...i just wanna have a nice job that i enjoyed it so much
I prayed a lot that God shows me His way...if i dont get any calls from company within 3 days i'll take that job...At the beginning, it seemed that it just the rite job for me.At least i can deal with myself bout the job.I asked all my friend n they said lucky me there's a big company wants me badly
OK...i think i'll make my decision today...i'll call them n ask more bout the benefits...

Am on the way back home from campus n my phone rang.Sumbody there asked me if i can go to PS to have an interview with a fashion brand.WHAT???
Am too excited yet nervous!!
U know what???
The interview run well...she asked me about their brand's positioning, how i market their brand, how me as their loyal customer perceive their brand blablablablabla...
Yes, as usual, i answered as wise as i can :p with many 'random walk' answer ahahahhaha...
Owh...i forgot to tell the position...BRAND MANAGER!!
Woooowwww it's too good to be true my maaaannnn.......can I??
She said that she'll make an appointment to meet her Dirut next week...but i have to make decision about that 1st company today or at least tomorrow!!!

DILEMA....that's only thing i feel now
Am very confused...if i refuse the 1st one, how if am not accepted at the fashion brand??U know the position is too high for me...but i desperately want that position!!Although the 1st company's salary is higher than the fashion one, but i have a passion that i can work at fashion industry...But am not that confidence i can join the company easily...but there's a lil heart-feeling that i can do it...but it's only a little tiny small one... T___T

Huaaaahhhh!!!!help meeeee out of this 'dilema' pliiiissss

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010


Today i insisted to attend an IT workshop held by EX n BinaBud - my friend's foundation. The speaker were Danny Wiriawan (CMO of kaskus), mba Afi n Hani from Fashionese Daily, mas Hendra (think.web) and little workshop from iBox. The only thing that made me wanna come was i had an online shop before-and sometimes wonder if i can have it once again hohoho...I dunno bout the prospect of it, it just a little glimpse of my little dream...

Ouch i realized that their life is amazing! They do their job according to their passion!!
I am on my way to seek out my passion...i was happy being a designer...but now??I think am changed...i like fashion, i like lifestyle industry!! -surrounded with kinda glamour area and beautiful people who live their life to the fullest and do their job with spirit and full of passion..

Owch owch owch...God give me a job related to my passion pliiiss...so i can love my job, i can wake up every morning with passion,new spirit,and heart full of thankfulness that i got that job
I wanna have this statement:
"I love what i do and i do what i love"

^^not yet desperately job seeker^^

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Me 1st Time

Yeeeaapp...this is my 1st time using blogspot...
Am not nubie in this blogger world actually... but my previous blog i used it as my online shop ^^
I left it one and a half year ago but suddenly wanna make a new one...just wish i can express myself in this blog...as i know that not so much ppl can share anything together... just wanna try to light up my feeling with this new activity - yeess write sumthing when nobody knows me...accompanied with a cup of tea and live jazz music at kinda my fav cafe near my kost =)
So enjoy...and wish me luck and have a better life.....