Jumat, 22 April 2011



It means a lot for me...i just wondering people who cant treat their friends well...for any reasons...
Imagine if u're not maintain ur friends...who stays when u feel lonely??

Aku sukaaaa banget punya temen dari berbagai macam kalangan...i mean dari berbagai macam background dan karakter. Kalau mau di breakdown, ada temen dr basket, temen kul s1 dan s2, temen gereja Performing Arts, temen kantor lama, temen kantor baru, temen maen anak binus, temen deket yg lain, dll. Tapiiii...segitu aja rasanya kurang hehehe...
i always keep in touch with them...at least i wanna them know that am still exist..i believe if u dont maintain something, that something will reduce their value
Dari semuanya itu...only a few that i let them being my circle of life...because meet new people is very easy, but to keep maintain them is a very different thing

Yeaaaa...i just wanna say one thing
Ngapain put lotsa effort to know someone/some ppl, kalau merekanya aja ga niat? While u have lotsa friend who loved u n dengan senang hati berteman n have fun bareng denganmu??


Senin, 11 April 2011

officially an employee

am officially an regular employee now hihihihihi...
i finally pass my probation period!!

they all said that only pass this probation period is kinda easy...but for me??
there's lotsa problems left behind:
- unorganized job of mine
- lack of trust during previous week
- sales target is not achieved yet
- promotion target is not implemented yet

hueeee hueeeee...lotsa things to do!!
yeaaahhhh...time to recreate my job n also my future
enough complaining! just do my best n let God do the rest

i still have lots of hope in this place...definitely not the end of my career but this is only the beginning....
i'll do moreee...i'll achieve moreeee...

i come, i conquer, i win :D

btw, i fully awake for about 40 hours!!! thanks God i have a strong body that can afford it...but yeeesss...i do need some rest!!

*sleeping bitch :p